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Choosing a doctor in a workers compensation case

On Behalf of | Jul 3, 2017 | Workplace Injuries |

Were you recently injured on the job? Are you interested in learning more about your rights in regards to who provides you with medical treatment?

Many people have one burning question on their mind: Are you able to choose your own physician as it relates to a workers’ compensation case? The answer depends on many factors, including where your injury occurred.

In Nebraska, for example, you are allowed to receive treatment from your own doctor as long as you have a record of treatment. If you do not have a treatment history, your employer has the right to choose your doctor.

In Iowa, the workers’ compensation laws are bit more complex when it comes to choosing a doctor. Generally speaking, the employer has the legal right to choose the doctor that you see. While you have the right to see your own doctor, there is no guarantee that the treatment you receive will be covered by workers’ compensation.

Since there is so much gray area, you’ll want to discuss your options with an experienced workers’ compensation attorney. There is nothing more important than receiving top-notch health care, as you don’t want your injury to linger into the future.

The way you choose a doctor in a workers’ compensation case is based on many factors, so it’s imperative that you know your rights as an employee and how to proceed.

As long as you know the law and are receiving high quality medical care, you can feel good about what the future will bring. If you aren’t satisfied with your treatment, it’s time to learn more about your legal rights.
