Experienced Attorneys Fighting For Your Financial Rights

Amputations are among the most devastating workplace injuries

On Behalf of | Mar 5, 2019 | Workplace Injuries |

Any injury suffered in the workplace comes with consequences. For mild injuries, these consequences may involve a day or two of missed work and a little bit of pain. Serious injuries, however, come with serious consequences.

Aside from death, an amputation is one of the worst injuries a worker can face. The damage from amputation injuries affects all areas of a victim’s life. Following are some examples of the life changes that amputation victims can expect.

  • Lengthy initial medical care
  • Ongoing medical care, perhaps for life
  • Possible ongoing physical therapy
  • Finding new employment options
  • Acquiring one or more artificial limbs
  • Losing the ability to provide for one’s family
  • Feelings of depression and anxiety
  • Developing a low self-image

To avoid workplace injuries involving amputations, employers need to provide their staff with proper training and make certain machine guards and other safety devices are present and in good condition. Most employers strive to do just this, but amputations may still occur.

Workers’ compensation will be your best bet to face the financial challenges that exist following these catastrophic workplace injuries. If you have difficulty filing your claim or if you receive a claim denial notice, it is wise to take your story to an attorney. Our experience assisting residents of Omaha in the aftermath of devastating workplace injuries has taught us that swift action is necessary to preserve your rights and your quality of life going forward.

Like many victims, you may need further information about the many ways in which a lawyer can help with your workers’ compensation claim. With this goal in mind, we invite you to continue reviewing the information on our website.
