Title: What are the most common fall hazards at work?
While some places of work have more risk than others, any workplace has its share of dangers. Some of the biggest shared risks between workplaces are that of slips, trips and falls.
One of the best ways you can combat these risks is by understanding the most common hazards that cause slips, trips and falls. That way, you can avoid these issues or make plans against them.
Common slip and trip causes
The Occupational Safety and Health Administration (OSHA) looks at slips, trips and fall hazards at work. Each work environment has different hazards, but some share similarities despite that.
For example, improperly marked wet floors cause many slips across the workforce. Work places with hard floors must still keep them clean, and often use mops instead of brooms. Certain types of flooring makes it hard to tell when the area is wet. If it is not warned for, workers can easily walk across it and slip.
Obstacles that are not easily viewed are another issue. For example, electrical wires cause many tripping incidents. They often blend into carpets or are small enough that workers do not notice them. Unfortunately, even a thin cord can wrap around someone’s foot and force them to take a fall.
Issues with staff and construction
Issues with a building itself may cause trouble, too. Any place with uneven flooring or a sudden drop should get immediate attention. Management should do what they can to fix it. Barring that, all workers should get notification that a risk exists.
Finally, all employees should keep updated with OSHA policies on handling slips, trips and falls at work. It provides helpful safety information that allows workers to tackle big problem areas armed with knowledge.