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Return to work faster with vocational rehabilitation

On Behalf of | Jun 8, 2021 | workers' compensation |

If you suffered an injury while working on the job, and you are currently not working, you may be ready to get back to earning a living. However, if your injury prevents you from performing the duties you used to do, you may be wondering what your options are.

Vocational rehabilitation is a program designed to help people return to work, and it provides a variety of benefits.

Goals of vocational rehabilitation

According to the Department of Labor Office of Workers’ Compensation Program, the primary goal of vocational rehab is to get you back to work as soon as possible. Additional goals are for you to return to your previous employer, to work in a position that fits with any work restrictions and to earn a similar wage as you did prior to receiving the injury.

Vocational rehab services

According to the Nebraska Workers’ Compensation Court, one of the first steps is to meet with a rehabilitation counselor. This individual reviews your injury, the duties of your previous job and any work restrictions prescribed by your physician. Based on the information, the counselor designs a rehab plan designed to get you back to work.

Before you implement the plan, there needs to be approval by your employer and a rehab specialist assigned by the court. Some of the proposed services may include:

  • Job placement with previous employer
  • Vocational assessment
  • College classes
  • Resume development
  • On-the-job or other formal training

Benefits of vocational rehab

One of the main benefits is to get you back to earning a living wage in a job you enjoy. If the court approves the rehab plan, you will continue to receive workers’ compensation benefits for a period of time. Another benefit of the program is your employer covers the costs involved with rehab, which may include education tuition, supplies, books, transportation and related room and board.
