Most people recognize that construction and manufacturing are dangerous industries. However, other professions that might not seem as hazardous also carry risks.
Nursing is a demanding profession that often involves long hours and strenuous tasks. This and their workplace environment make them vulnerable to various workplace injuries.
1. Musculoskeletal injuries
Nurses are frequently at risk of musculoskeletal injuries due to the physically demanding nature of their jobs. Lifting and transferring patients and standing for extended periods can lead to back, neck and joint problems.
2. Needlestick injuries
Accidental punctures from contaminated needles can expose nurses to bloodborne pathogens, such as HIV or hepatitis. These injuries require immediate attention and can have long-term health implications.
3. Slips, trips and falls
Hospitals and healthcare facilities are busy environments with many potential obstacles. Nurses may encounter wet floors, cluttered hallways or uneven surfaces, increasing their risk of slips, trips and falls that can result in injuries like fractures or sprains.
4. Exposure to infectious diseases
Sharps are not the only disease-related hazard. Nurses may also come in contact with contagions through interaction with ill patients. Despite strict safety protocols, the risk of exposure to infectious diseases remains.
When Nebraska nurses become hurt or sick in the course of performing their workplace duties, they may be eligible for workers’ compensation benefits. The injury or illness must be due to their job and they must promptly report it. Medical confirmation by a healthcare professional and evidence of the work-related nature of the damage is also necessary. According to the U.S. Bureau of Labor Statistics, registered nurses have a high incidence rate of workplace injuries and illnesses in the healthcare and social assistance industry. Workers’ compensation can help nurses cover the resulting wage losses and medical expenses.